July 8, 2009


Aright, if there was a blog post that someone disowns me for here it is. But I have an idea that I need to write down and even if only one person has a slightly different way of thinking because of my words then I am happier because of it.

My life is full of religion. I live in one of the most religious states in the US and I find myself in a unique position to observe the intricacies of the people that label themselves as religious. Religion is about control. I am not saying that churches are trying to take over the world, but the people that proselytize the idea that religion will save a soul, or stop a war don't see the big picture. Hell, most wars have been started about religion and more people have been killed because they were of different religions then any other reason. The holocaust was christian based and the church doesn't like to admit that, 9/11, the ongoing conflict in the middle east, all of these modern examples are just the conflicts that come to mind as I type this. But I am not really here to bash any church in particular. Doing that wouldn't alter the cycle in any way shape or form. Religion has taught us to value life, to keep something going because "god" mandated it. God is a lie. That isn't the atheist coming out in me, that is the idea that the God that we have presented to us as an ultimate being that has our best interest at heart isn't realistic. We should realize that any god with our real interest at heart wouldn't allow us to destroy the world that it created. "god" (as presented by mainstream religion) is nothing more then a way to control the masses and to make people rich. Prove me wrong, please.

Religion teaches us that humans are meant to rule this world, that human life is precious and priceless. Where has that got us? We are runing out of resources, global warming (not a theory any more, fact, the temperature is rising), overpopulation, an economy based on greed and the ability to exploit the masses for personal gain (capitalism, sorry guys, great theory and all but it isn't working), the prevailing idea that we as people in the system have no say about how our lives are lived except that we can choose which shitty dead end job we will live with till we find another shitty dead end job that is "better" because it gives us the ability to live more out of our means. I sound like a communist... eh, I have been called worse things.

Morality has nothing to do with human life any more and we need to stop thinking that humans have some kind of "divine mandate" to do anything. Morality should be about sustaining the home we live on, not pressing outdated and old fashioned ideals onto the youth of this and every country. The world has enough humans. With a population of 10,000 we should try to reproduce, with a population of 6,768,167,712 we need to stop. We aren't talking about survival only if we reproduce, we are talking about not being able to survive if we keep doing what we are doing.

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