May 9, 2009

two tommorows one yesterday

I have talked to my friend in Sweeden, for free. instant communication across thousands of miles at real time, for free. This is but one tiny example. We have the opportunity to be able to change this world as it needs to be changed. People these days still are thinking with a dollar and cent mindset. How much is it going to cost. Where are my hard earned dollars going that I have earned?

This needs to stop. We need to start listening to that little thing inside of us that tells us who we are. I am not talking about your undying soul saved from hell by Jesus himself (rest in peace) I am talking about that little part of you that understands that you are not the only thing in this universe. That I am. The idea is that we are on this earth and a part of this earth for a reason. We are here to uncover some aspect of truth, or so we are told. Truth isn't something that we can call "this" or "that" each persons truth is their own. People have tried saying that over the years with varying levels of sucess. Most of the time they are seen as peacemakers. Agents of change in this soup that we call the masses. It is time to stop thinking with the part of our bodies that wants to be comfortable, and start thinking about the unification of everything, or everyone rather. We as a species are on the edge of a knife. We face our own destruction, yes at our own hands, but we won't live to see the end, no we damn our children and grandchildren to starve and die slowly while we take the cheap way out, dying while everything falls to shit.

We need to start living with this world, not on it. There are vast changes that need to be put into place before we can think about the next step. I just hope it happens before it is too late.

1 comment:

Kevin Lavin said...

I agree... however we need to get all of the 3rd world countries on board before anything is going to change. The United States has OSHA... the other countries? Nada. The U.S. is likely the cleanest-running country in the world, but that won't mean a thing unless everyone else on the planet reacts as we do.