March 14, 2009

you are the I am

This world is only as you perceive it,

of course what you decide to do with that perception is up to the will behind the perception, therefore the perception of the world is controlled by the collective will. Nothing in this world is honest in it's being without the world flavouring it constantly by the will around us. no one seems to be able to give me a good answer to the question of "why I am here" and don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people that have tried. I just refuse to believe in a god that smites creation. I don't see an omnipresent, omnipotent being really caring about if there are things out there using it's name to make someone feel like they are worthless. That they don't mean anything unless they give over will to the being that gave them free choice. Yet the gross majority of people in the world adhere to the idea that there is something out there that they must please.

Well, here is what I have to say. You are the I am. You and me and every person on this cold bluish-grey rock flying through space. We are the I am. The awakening of the human consciousness in this reality happened long before I was born, yet at the same time there is a point in every persons life when they realize that they are the only thing in this cosmos that they can count on. People will try to distort and distract themselves from this fact by letting things happen to there will that rob them of free thought. Free thought is more important then free speech. Free thought implies that you don't let the distractions of the people that don't understand that they are the only divinity that they need in this world is inside of them. I don't want to imply that humanity is divine, far from it, humanity has it's flaws just like anything that is allowed to grow naturally. But humanity is different, we carry the innate ability to question the world around us as well as the ability to communicate with others about the questions that we come across and most importantly, the answers that manifest in each person.

I am not denying the existence of god here, merely presenting the idea that there IS a god, and it manifests in all of us through our own interactions in this world and the sharing of those interactions with others. God doesn't sit in cloud casting judgements on creation, god sits in all of us, allowing the communal perception of the world to manifest itself again. Bless yourselves, and everyone around you.

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